More now than ever consumers want to purchase from businesses who make efforts to be more eco-friendly. As such, making conscious decisions that help the climate can also be used as an excellent marketing tactic and one that requires very little effort on your behalf. Oh, but the benefits of making your business eco-friendly don’t end there. So, whether you’re a frozen yogurt shop or aspiring to open your own bubble tea business, these are the top ways to make your business more eco-friendly.
Start Recycling
The number one rule to making your business eco-friendly is to start recycling. Whether it’s recycling frozen yogurt supplies or the ink cartridges from your cash register, it’s important to take the extra step to place these items in recycling bins instead of the trash.
To use this eco-friendly effort as a business tactic, make sure the storefront of your business provides the option for customers to recycle as well.
Purchase Recyclable Frozen Yogurt and Bubble Tea Supplies
Speaking of recycling, it’s just as important to buy recyclable cups, drinking lids, napkins and other frozen yogurt and bubble tea supplies. With so many eco-friendly options, there’s really no reason not to go this route.
Use Eco-Friendly Cleaning Supplies
If you’re planning on opening up a bubble tea cafe or a local frozen yogurt shop, the cleaning supplies you use play a huge role in the success of your business. Not only do you want cleaning supplies that get down to the nitty gritty but you also want to use options that don’t leave a chemical smell in your shop.
Eco-friendly cleaning supplies for businesses is an excellent option, as they do the job without leaving your business smelling of harsh chemicals.
Install Energy Efficient Lights
Anyone who owns or plans to open a bubble tea café or frozen yogurt shop should be making a conscious effort to reduce their business’ energy usage. Energy efficient lights are an excellent option that won’t push your budget over the limit but they will save you an abundance in electricity while also presenting you with the opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint.
Update Your Bubble Tea Appliances
Whether you run a bubble tea shop or a frozen yogurt store, you’ll be using many appliances on the regular. From blenders to frozen yogurt dispensers, heating appliances and more, you’ll want to make sure all of them are updated.
Older appliances tend to use a significant amount of energy. So, updating your bubble tea appliances is an excellent way to make your business more eco-friendly and it’ll also make your business appear clean and modernized.
Find Eco-Friendly Suppliers
Now, this tip on making your business more eco-friendly goes hand-in-hand with the other tips but it’s certainly worth mentioning on its own. Purchasing eco-friendly business supplies can be more expensive if you don’t find the right eco-friendly suppliers.
At Popping Boba, we have a wide range of eco-friendly business supplies for your bubble tea café or frozen yogurt shop. From recyclable cups to recyclable plates, bowls, 3 compartment plates – you name it.
With these six steps, you’re on the right path to making your business more eco-friendly. Let your customers know of your new carbon-reducing efforts as it’s something that many will appreciate. And don’t forget to get those recycling bins out! If you’re going to turn your bubble tea café or frozen yogurt shop into an eco-conscious business, make sure you provide your customers with an option to follow in suit.